The RainbowChaser is an inspirational story of immigration, integration, acceptance, inner strength and redemption. Powerful narratives of a son of an immigrant torn between cultures, struggling for his identity in the turbulence of the 60’s. He strolls like a Forrest Gump, empowered with tools of resiliency.
A soul’s journey inspired by the undaunted actions of heroes and hope during one’s darkest hours. It is satirical humor resembling and resonating the classics, Grapes of Wrath, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and the Divine Comedy.
The RainbowChaser reveals inspirational adventures, drug dealing escapades to addiction and the struggling repossession of his spirit. In the darkness of solitary confinement, he tumbles in lucid dreams, chasing a white rabbit, searching for answers to his addiction. Suicidal thoughts consume him when lightning strikes. Unexplainable visions and sounds of marching bands, silhouettes of 20,000 jubilant people celebrating life, interrupts his quest for death. In his comatose dreams, he shares powerful narratives of men, women and children, bound in farm labor. He explores the meaning of hope, resilience, and unity of a people searching for a better life. He was a boy, inspired when Cesar Chavez and Larry Itliong encouraged children, at a labor camp birthday party. World Boxing Champion Archie Moore, his childhood mentor, leveled the playing field for his peanut league team. American heroes empowering youth with tools of hard work, confidence and belief.
In prison, the RainbowChaser is hurled into flashbacks of hell, reliving his contribution to addiction and sinful trails of chaos. His redemption, resurrecting then unifying organizations, empowering the destitute with tools of recovery … the reconstruction of his destruction. He is the recipient of numerous awards during his humble career. In the cavernous darkness of an Atlanta convention center awards ceremony, lightening-like search lamps, 100-piece drum and bugle corps and jubilant crowds screaming spirited revelations. These epiphanies, in the darkness of the convention center, identical to the vision in solitary confinement two decades prior --- His soul's journey to God complete.
E.J.’s great grandparents ventured from the Philippines to America in 1924, initiating an immigrant underground railroad. He integrated into white society with acquiescence. He discovered acceptance, drinking beers at the dance, smoking doobies with student council before his 9th grade victory speech for vice president. His high school football team unanimously voted him captain of the party squad.
He attended Chico State University, graduating with a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Sociology. He later attended the University of San Francisco Graduate Studies in Psychology. E.J. worked with Native American youth in Butte County Probation and developed vocational training for Butte County Education in Juvenile Hall.
He journeys to the restaurant & entertainment industry in several Chico Restaurants and becomes a major managing partner of Cedar Junction Night Club. His challenges with addiction, instill several journeys to recovery. He comes full circle managing Kimo’s Restaurant, Maui, Hawaii.
E.J.’s has created award winning programs inspiring the human condition:
· Boys & Girls Clubs-National Awards Atlanta-1994, program of the year, Gangs/At-risk youth
· Psychological Association Awards-1995 Emotionally disabled youth, Napa/Solano Counties
· Psychological Association Awards-1995 Innovative Vocational Services-mentally ill
· Department of Labor-1996 Private Industry Council, Youth Program of the Year
· Community Hero Award - 1997 Napa County Commission on Self-Esteem
· Awarded 3-year grant - 2006 Solano County, Wellness and Recovery Centers
· Nationally Certified 5 times - “exemplary services”- Certified Authorized Rehabilitation Facility
E.J.’s passion for change in bureaucracy, are exemplified through his shared writings:
· Department of Rehabilitation - Napa County/State Cooperative grants
· Wellness and Recovery State/Mental Health grants in Vallejo, Fairfield, and Dixon
· Community District Block Grants/Boys and Girls Club of America
· United Way-National Recovery Programs -Napa and Solano counties
He is the author of RainbowChaser, published by San Francisco Books, and has also written for:
· San Francisco Books & Travel
· San Francisco Literary Society
· Bay Area’s Book Club News
E.J.’s insight with addiction and recovery span 40 years, and has been a change agent for the destitute. He is known for turning his anger and frustration into energy through prayer, exercise, love of family and chasing his dog Willie through the vineyards of the Napa Valley.
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